First Evangelical Free Church



Thank you for giving to First Evangelical Free Church. To make your online contribution, simply fill out the form below. Don't worry, your private information is secure and we won't share it with anyone who is not authorized. First EFC is a non-profit organization, so any qualifying contributions are tax-deductible. Giving through our website cannot be designated for specific purposes or individuals.


A couple of notes on maximizing your gift: We accept ACH bank transfers (eCheck) and debit/credit cards. Each of those options have different processing fees associated with them that are paid by our church. The most cost-efficient process for First EFC is an ACH bank transfer (eCheck) transaction, followed by debit/credit card transactions. We desire to be a good steward of the resources God has entrusted us, so we keep administrative costs as low as possible. We also want to make it clear we don't want you to "charge it" if it means going into debt! Thank you again for your gift.


Thanks for your gift! We've successfully received your contribution and deeply appreciate your generosity.

Almost Done...

In order to verify that you own this bank account, we'll make two small deposits in it and send an email requesting confirmation on their amounts. This email should appear within 3-4 business days and will be sent to . No action will be taken until this account is verified.


Thanks for your gift! We've successfully received your contribution and deeply appreciate your generosity.
